
About Unvex

The meaning of Unvex

To unvex means “to reverse vex”, “to reduce, reverse, or remove vexation”, and to calm, comfort, console, inform, reassure, soothe, and enlighten.

Definition of Vex

The word vex is a transitive verb with the pronunciation vĕks in enPR or /vɛks/ in IPA. Its third-person singular simple present indicative form is vexes, its simple past and past participle is vexed, and its present participle is vexing. One who is vexed is in a state of vexation. One who vexes is a vexer.

Vex has the following definitions according to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary:

  1. a: to bring trouble, distress, or agitation to
    // the restaurant is vexed by slow service
    b: to bring physical distress to
    // example: a headache vexed him all morning
    c: to irritate or annoy by petty provocations : HARASS
    // example: vexed by the children
    // example: a problem to vex the keenest wit
  2. to shake or toss about

Some synonyms of “vex” include: afflict, aggravate, agitate, annoy, bother, bug, chafe, eat, exasperate, gripe, irk, irritate, peeve, pique, rile, ruffle, and torment. The word “vex” usually implies great “provocation” and strong “disturbance”, and it usually connotes “anger but sometimes perplexity or anxiety”. For more information about “vex”, see Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary or Wiktionary.

Definition of Unvex

The prefix un- means to “do the opposite of” or to “reverse (a specified action)”. This meaning of un- appears in some verbs formed from other verbs, such as “unbend”, “undress”, and “unfold”. For more information about “un-”, see Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary or Wiktionary.

Therefore, unvex means to do the opposite of vex or to “reverse vex”, such as to calm, comfort, console, inform, reassure, soothe, and enlighten. One who unvexes is an unvexer.

Why Unvex

The word vex is beautiful because it is short and has many deep and interesting meanings. There are many ways to vex someone.

The word unvex means to do the opposite of vex, so unvex also has many deep and interesting meanings, and it is also quite beautiful. There are also many ways to unvex someone.

Feeling Vexed?

Send an email to theodore at unvex.com for some unvexing!